A friend of mine said something in the likes of Adam Driver being an overexposed actor. He's in every movie. That was a while back, though.

In an Actors Roundtable video on YouTube, Adam Driver says something interesting:

It's not your job [as an actor] to feel anything. It's the audiences job. (...) You want to feel something (...) but it's not really my responsibility to feel something; it's to telegraph that something is being felt. (...)

I often start writing before the act of writing. I think of something, maybe in the car, maybe while jogging or walking or shopping, whatever. And then I think: I better write this down. More often than not what I'm writing is shit. That isn't to say that I feel shit. I just can't find my way of conveying the feeling(s) I have.

Other times I don't write at all – because I'm not feeling it. Maybe that's just laziness, some bad excuse. I think Adam Driver is right. It's not always my job to feel. The job is to convey that something is being felt. Like in a story, or whatever.

I'm getting older. I'm not sure I even care. I do feel. I do care. I'm just not sure this is what I'm supposed to be doing.

You should check out the video, though! ,